Tous les avions des Antilles - hier et aujourd'hui.

Bienvenue à bord. Images, histoires et bons plans de l'aviation aux Antilles

vendredi 2 mars 2007

21:57 | by jacques_B | Categories: , , | No comments

Neil's AirCam twin-engine seaplane tied up at the Anegada Reef Hotel. Neil, operating as Flight Adventures, sells sightseeing tours around Anegada. A ride around Anegada for two costs $100, and is well worth it. The plane can carry two passengers plus the pilot. The Leza AirCam airplane is not an ultralight - it is a fully FAA certificated aircraft. Neil is no amateur, either. He has an FAA ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) license - the same license that is required for a 747 captain.